* * * *
The Characters of Dana Scully and Fox Mulder are the property
of Chris Carter and Ten Thirteen productions. I didn't take them, I
just borrowed them. Enough said :)
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11am 14th February
1996 J. Edgar Hoover Building, Washington DC
Dana Scully sighed.
Indecisiveness was not in her nature, but here she was, sitting at her desk in the basement of the J.Edgar Hoover Building, hardly a metre from Mulder, with her hands folded in her lap, staring into space. In her desk draw was a present she had brought, for her partner, and she was deciding whether or not to give him the present she had bought him for Valentine's Day. She was arguing with herself. "He'll think it's a joke. That's a good thing...that's a good thing?" She sighed again, irritated with herself. "Jesus Dana, give it to him. He'll thank you, and get back to work."
She had been working with him a little over two years, and their friendship had changed from her tolerating him, always looking over her shoulder seeing if he was doing the right thing, to being true friends. Best friends. The friendship she had with him was unlike any other she had ever experienced. She trusted him with her life, and she knew he did the same, had done so many times. She owed her life to him on many occasions, and she knew that if by some quirk of fate he was taken away from her, she would never be the same. Perhaps better for the experience, but some vital part of herself would be missing without him.
She tapped her foot in impatience, and Mulder looked up from his paperwork.
"Problem, Scully?"
Jolted out of her reverie, she jumped and said hastily, "No, just thinking."
Shrugging, he turned back to the scattered papers on his desk.
Many times since the death of her father, and more recently, her sister, she had tried to imagine herself without Mulder. Since those losses, she had realised that to lose him would be too much. She'd survive, but would she want to? Her macabre thoughts annoyed her. It was not like her to sit and mull over the future. Or the past. Remembering that time in the car, when she had come to relieve Mulder of surveillance, she had sometimes wished there had been an iced tea in the bag, so to speak. He had not known how he made her pulse rate at such a notion, and she had replied coolly, "Go home Mulder, you're delirious." Making it sound like such a thing was ridiculous. Maybe it was....maybe it wasn't. She shook her head, put all thoughts of Valentine's day and her partner from her mind, and got back to writing her report.
Time passed quickly, and when Mulder said, "Lunch, Scully?" she nodded and stood up, only then remembering the neatly wrapped package in the drawer of her desk "Umm, wait a minute Mulder." She opened the drawer, took the package out and handed it to him.
"What's this, Scully?" He asked, his eyes shining and his lips betraying a small, amused smile.
"A valentines day present." She said, rather uncomfortably.
The small smile turned into a grin, but rather than opening the present, he reached into his own desk drawer and drew out a small box, neatly wrapped with a small bow on top. "Happy Valentine's day, Scully." He said, and handed it to her.
She waited while he opened his first, then when he laughed, delighted at what she had bought him, a pair of silk boxer shorts with Martin the Martian on them, she opened her present. Inside was a velvet covered box, which she snapped open. Lying serenely inside was a golden charm bracelet, with one charm on it, a small crucifix, to match her necklace.
Touched by both his thoughtfulness and his choice of gift, she hugged him, and closed her eyes, letting his nearness embrace her as much as his arms were. They stood like that for about ten seconds, both enjoying the feeling, neither game enough to let on. When they withdrew, both studied their gifts again, rather than make eye contact. "Thank you Mulder, it's....it's beautiful." She said, smiling.
"You're very welcome....Dana."
I know, I know, I could have made it a lot better, but I'm still
debating whether or not they should actually get together, and if I
should tackle it. I feel that it would have to be very tasteful to be
realistic, and I'm not sure my writing skills are up to it.
Anyway, if you liked it, please e-mail me on
If you hated it, do the same. But, please remember
we all need constructive criticism, not destructive criticism.
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